Monday, October 09, 2006

Pointless? Not any more

Yes folks, its rant time.

So there I was, coming home in the car last night up the motorway. I took my time, I'd been driving for about three and a half hours in total dropping the small one off when I got to my junction. Cones in the hard shoulder surrounding a squad car and a transit van. Signs saying keep right and a sign saying road closed. Oh dear I thought, have to go to the next exit and come back. The two cars in front of me went up the sliproad so I assumed it was just the hard shoulder that was closed, after all we couldn't all be mistaken could we?

Part way up the sliproad I was greeted by Mr Plod. After a great deal of patronising about how I could have killed him and end up going to prison, I received 3 points and a fine. "Its only a minor endorsement and will not affect your insurance" he responded when I told him it will double my insurance premiums for the car and bike for at least the next two years. Must be something they get told at FTS as that's what the guy told me 6 years ago when I last got pulled. Yeah ok mate, but that's simply not the case.

Given that three of us got done in a row and there was a Mercedes waiting already and the Plod said he'd already done a dozen or so drivers in the previous 90 minutes, either he wasn't making things clear at the bottom of the sliproad or they were low on the doughnut kitty.

But for £800 or so, it was a hugely enjoyable piece of patronising while I stood on the sliproad shivering. I just wish I had pointed out that he wanted me to get out of the car and stand on the same part of the road he had just nicked me. Surely he was therefore endangering a member of the public?

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