Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Peer Network Resolution Protocol

That's a mouthful for a start and won't mean a lot to the punters so let's save hassle and confusion and call it PNRP. Then let's increase the confusion by referring to it as something else - Windows Internet Computer Name.

Call it PNRP or WICN and either way it is the same thing - dynamic DNS for punters without their own domain name and without a account.

You can set your own machine name that will be accessible from the Internet as

How? Well you'll need Windows XP SP2 or later (not entirely true, but close enough) and an IPv6 stack so anyone on a LAN will probably not get off the ground on this one. Read more at and

So if you've always wanted to quote your computer so that people can access it from the interwebby thing, you can now be Oh, but best also check your firewall settings too.

Forgive my hesitance, but:
a) Who will know about this?
b) Who will use it instead of or their own domain?
c) Who will remember the FQDN without a mistake?
d) Who will end up going to (currently available) or (also currently available) which could be purchased by undesirables and have all sub domains pointing to some script to compromise your computer or pretend to get you to log in to your mates computer as you?

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