Friday, December 29, 2006

5 things you don't know about me

Courtesy of Eileen Brown's blog entry I appear to have been "tagged" in some kind of blog equivalent of chain mail.

Well, since it is Christmas, I shall play are 5 things you don't know about me.

1. I have a birth defect called a fistula that means I have great difficulty getting emotionally charged / angry / violent / adrenaline rushed. It keeps me calm which is not always a good thing. I do however know when it is kicking in and is compensating (don't ask).
2. I can "control" my body better than most people I know - I am double jointed, can roll my tongue, wiggle my eyebrows independently, wiggle my ears, my nostrils and so on. Some people find this rather odd!
3. I have never knowingly broken a bone in my body.
4. My final year project for my degree was on predicate and propositional logic and was a 3,000 line computer program written in Pascal. It was demonstrated for several months before deadline to various people and was complete and written up long before the deadline. Unfortunately, with 2 weeks to go, the server was upgraded and the program no longer worked.
5. Thunderbird makes me feel nauseous courtesy of a dreadful evening in 1990.

Now to work on a list of 5 people to hit...

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