Sunday, February 25, 2007

Surprise for the birthday 'boy'

Mr G Senior was 77 and was looking forward to a quiet evening in with Sea Bass, which admittedly is not a nice thing to call Mother, but I digress.

Receiving a card that instructed him to be dressed smart casual by 6.15, he was pleased to see Mr (and Mrs) G Minor (if there are 2 of them, are they a quaver?) who knocked on the door bearing champers. Some moments later, the bottle was drained and they headed off to a nice place by cab for dinner.

A chateaubriande, several lobster and several livers were damaged in the making of that dinner.

Returning at 11pm, Mr G Senior was rather surprised to see me in his hallway. Despite the lateness of night and the bigger surprise of young Jake, Mr G Senior was able to partake of a small libation with Major and Minor.

Unfortunately, small Jake was unwell all weekend with a high temperature and was off his food. Since this meant he only wanted to be very near me most of the time, I was not entirely put out.

For reference, the sea bass was a diversion to put him off the scent. But since it was going to go to waste, I felt obligated to dispatch it. Rather nice to be honest.

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