Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Does no-one care any more?

Migrations to new servers and I have been creating huge quantities of notes of the projects. All separate, all diligent, all carefully checked. Some of the advanced stuff like SQL 2005 64 bit with mirroring and witnesses I have never done before so I am outsourcing. So why, oh why, do things happen to make me question the ability of some people to get themselves dressed in a morning?

Take Monday for instance. I have a long chronological list of tasks for me and consultant fellow. We get as far as "Install SQL Server 2005 x64 Edition". Reaches for disk only to discover I have been shipped the Itanium disk so it won't install. My trusty MSDN subscription gets pressed into action but the download speed of 90KB/s means that it takes over 3 hours to get hold of the 900MB installer so a large chunk of the day got wasted and the tail end of the day was a tad frantic.

Did thoroughness get left in the 20th century?

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