Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Catching up with old friends

Dateline Friday 29 June.
Venue Hilton Islington, Gaucho's Piccadilly, some pub nearby, back to Hilton Islington.

Walking up to the Hilton after work I saw the lovely Carola outside. We came in together, I asked where "we" were sitting and she didn't recognise me and must have thought I was in LaLa land. It was great to see everyone - Carola, Jimmy, Mark and Oli. I was last of course so they were onto their second or third bottle of champagne. I didn't catch which one they were on.

Quick trip to Regent Street with Mark and myself in the jump seats. I didn't catch the route.
Gaucho's provided a gin based cocktail with blackcurrants or similar. I didn't catch the details.
The steak was marinaded and tenderer than a tender thing. I didn't catch "in what".
Tequila slammers with decent tequila. I didn't catch the name.
Pub for a few pints. I didn't catch the name of that either.
Cab back to the Hilton for one last bottle of champagne. No more left that they had been drinking earlier. Didn't catch the name of that.

Last ones in to bed were Jimmy and Carola, sitting quietly in the hotel lobby, supping champagne as the rest of us retired.

The sleep train arrived. I caught that one. Other stories remain firmly categorised as "On Tour".

I learned a valuable lesson on Friday - it doesn't make a blind bit of difference if you have a pound or a billion pounds, having friends like that makes me a rich man.

1 comment:

Jimmy Andersson [DS MVP] said...

It was a wonderful weekend and we are looking forward to the next one!

Good friends are very important and that bound is sacred. (I hope I spelled that correct? If not, use your imagination!)

/Carola and Jimmy