Friday, December 21, 2007

The Top 10

Following on from the previous entry about powershell commandlets, I was corresponding with the great and learned Mark Arnold and wondered about just listing the top 10 mailboxes by size.

IM conversation continues:

Nick Gillott (MVP) says: Fancy just the top 10?
Response comes back: hit parade?
Nick Gillott (MVP) says: Take previous PS script, wrap in round brackets and without a space put [0..11]
Nick Gillott (MVP) says: Top 10 mailboxes...
Nick Gillott (MVP) says: Putting [0..4] gives top 3 etc
Response comes back: I feel as if I've missed a meeting. Take what previous PS script.

Only *then* do I actually concentrate on that particular window and find that I am detailing the changes to the PS command to my Mother. Right idea, wrong IM window.

So for the benefit of me when I forget the syntax and anyone except Mother who now knows exactly how to do it, wrap your commandlet in round brackets and append [0..11] without spaces to get top 10. Just start at 0 and add 1 to the number you want.

Simple, if you can read which IM windows you are using.

1 comment:

Mark Arnold said...

Ah yes, the old wrong post in the wrong IM window ploy. That's nearly ended in an "interesting" way a few times.