Monday, January 21, 2008

My Mum is great

You'll have to work with me a little bit on this one...

My great mate Mark. Exchange MVP, northern roots, wine drinking, fun loving, marital strife a few years ago, level headed and ugly (which at least he admits). He is rather like a brother, so on meeting his Mother over the weekend for the wedding, it was akin to seeing my own. From the first hint of Harrogate twang, Barbara was great - everyone who met her for the first time said the same.

Elegant, stylish, funny and some stories that would make your hair curl. I used to think Mark had a reputation for drinking and he is ex RAF, now I know where he gets his genetics! Midway through the wedding reception, we had a good long chat as she and Sooz swapped seats. In fact it wasn't mid way through, we'd got as far as the wedding cake course. "Ooh, I luv cake" she said. Well it wasn't chocolate so she was only saving me from myself and not long later the plate was empty.

We all adjourned after dinner to the bar and about 1.15 I was just too tired to continue so I went upstairs, accompanying the lovely Sooz leaving Barbara still holding court over the boys.

Barbara: Jimmy, do you know where babies come from?
Jimmy the Swede: No.
Barbara: Right, I'll see you a bit later then.

Sooz asked if my Mum was like that. Oh yes I said. Well, apart from the cake bit.

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