Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Powershell - access rights

# Grant the user account MayLContact the right to create items in the public folder May Contacts.
Add-PublicFolderPermission "May Contacts" -User MayLContact -AccessRights "CreateItems"

# Grant the user account BESAdmin Send As permission
add-adpermission "Blackberry User" -extendedrights Send-As -user yourdomain\BESAdmin

# Grant the user account BESAdmin Exchange View Only Administrator permission
add-exchangeadministrator BESAdmin –role ViewOnlyAdmin

# Grant the user account BESAdmin Send As, Receive As and Exchange Store Admin rights
add-adpermission –user BESAdmin –accessrights ExtendedRight –extendedrights Send-As, Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin

# Grant the user account BESAdmin rights to access the store with all Outlook versions
Set-CasMailbox BesAdmin -MAPIBlockOutlookVersions:$null

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