Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Seeing in 3D


I was married but unhappy.

Divorce does not mean that you failed, it means that you had the courage to stop being unhappy.

Courage tempered with the strength and support of friends helped me during a time of upheaval.



I reserve the right to feel the loss of not seeing my son each day because I know that I offer him greater quality time when we are together.

I reserve the right to play with him like I am his older brother, to teach him the things I learned as a child that I see were useful to me as a man.

I reserve the right to cuddle him when he cries and tuck him in at night when he is asleep.

I reserve the right to behave like a mischievous Uncle and allow him to get away with actions that I deem safe.



I will not feel wrong in moving on with my life, being happy, enjoying myself or otherwise being positive.

I will not worry over not seeing one friend when I am seeing another.


Divorced, Dad and Dignified. I am 3D.


1 comment:

Gareth Perry said...

The last line looks like you meant to say you are 30 and not 3D. I like you're thinking...