Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Exchange Performance Guideline # 2

Following on from yesterday’s article about disks and volumes, here is a further gem that a minority of people are thinking.


Bigger is better – no, it isn’t


I can kind of see the thought process though. You are on the whizzy Dell site, configuring your new Exchange server and you see that the 146GB drive can be upgraded to a 300GB drive for a few extra pennies / dollars / yen.


If you don’t need the extra space, don’t order the drive. The analogy doesn’t work perfectly, but think about your garage – if you have a small garage you can probably find your hammer quite easily. Make the garage 10 times larger and you’ll take longer to find it.


Horses for courses. 10 terabytes of disk space for 100 staff isn’t always a cost effective future proofing plan.


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