Bought a car yesterday. Bit of a problem with the programming of the ignition key that meant the alarm kept going off.
Cue numerous calls to different workshop experts all of whom gave differing advice on the cure (none worked). One of which is that when the alarm is going off, disconnect the car battery which will reset the car alarm. Err, no...that will make the alarm continually go off since the system thinks the car is being broken into.
So the alarm went off as expected. Same expert revises judgement to leaving the alarm going off for 30 minutes whilst the battery drains. It did. So did my patience – by this time I’d been waiting several hours for them to fix the issue so that I could go home.
During the removal of the battery connector, the sales manager cut his hand and for the next hour dripped blood everywhere.
The experience was so farcical that I had to stay to the end and maybe tomorrow I’ll pick it up. Or maybe not.
Currently in the same old creaking car as I’ve had for the last 9 years but have paid for a replacement car that won’t start. Paperweight anyone?
1 comment:
take a camera and take pictures when you go to pick it up
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