Thursday, May 10, 2007

It has been a while

So work is busy with lots of juicy projects to keep me occupied. The SQL box is now live and running nicely and I'm just tail ending that project. Next is a seamless move to client side upgrades and then I shall spend a couple of weeks clearing the decks before jumping headlong into the live (and obviously scary) deployment of Exchange 2007 at corp.

Why scary?

Lab work is all well and good but you can never mitigate 100% for all eventualities. By which I mean users, Entourage, 20,000 items in your Inbox, connectors that work in a lab but not when you connect them upto t'Internet...

Maybe I should just exmerge the entire lot to a data server, rip out the Exchange server, put a new 2007 box in and exmerge it all back into a clean AD implementation.

But that would be so much more clinical and therefore less "fun".

1 comment:

Nick said...

For "small" Exchange enviornments -it's nice to exmerge out everything as a backup - just in case. During some Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000 projects, I hit a few mailboxes that didn't move properly, and having .PST files was a nice luxury. Fewer problems with 2003. Good luck with your 2007 project - and let us know how it goes!