Thursday, July 12, 2007

Daphne has her knickers in a twist

The MB server went in fine but the CAS has got problems.

Daphne, my new client access server has had the relevant setup /option commands run on her. She's fine and dandy, if I can mix Scooby Doo characters and children's comics on the OS side. But after installing the CAS and HT roles I had 2 errors that alternated, one about HT (hub transport) and one about AD (active directory). One or other was unhappy and consequently the hub transport was not working so no emails were flowing. CAS (client access server) was fine so anyone in the organisation can login, but emails just sit there sulking.

Uninstall Exchange will not remove it all due to the error so you cannot go backwards.
Install Exchange will not fix the problem.
Henrik Walther's msiexec.exe /x trick does not work to remove Exchange either.

Cannot go forwards or backwards. Reapplying rollup 3 does not help.

Pulling Daphne out of active directory is possible but in the interim, meet my new CAS / HT box - Shaggy.

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