Friday, November 09, 2007

Thieving scum

My great neighbour Paul has had his car off the road for about 6 months now and recently I've been loaning him my Peugeot as I tend to use the bike barring when I'm with Jake.

Because of offering him this, he offered to do some work on the car - first job was the failed head gasket. He's done that, taken photos, flushed everything and so on. I've given him transport, he's given me transport. She still slightly overheats, but nothing major.

Last night he took the Peugeot down to the Internet cafe in the next town. Now there's a big hole where the passenger window was yesterday. They took nothing as there was nothing of value in the car. They left the child seat, the loose change in the pot (under one pound) but they have just cost Paul about £100.

80,000 jail places for 60.8 million Brits. Or places for 0.13% of the population.
Over 2.2 million places (source: for 301.1 million Yanks. Or 0.73% of the population.

So per head the US has 5.6 times the number of prison cells as us. Plus the 3 strike rule.

Harumph - bring back hard labour, chaingangs and National Service. Not central heating, TVs everywhere and sentencing reduced due minimise overcrowding. Here's a thought - get prisoners building new prisons then at least they have a vocation afterwards.

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