Tuesday, November 06, 2007

And then there were none

The three sisters. The golden girls. My Grandmother and her sisters. Three little girls from just outside Sheffield who did well for themselves.

Joyce, my Grandmother, who cooked professionally for many years, liked a tipple and lived to the age of 86.
Florence, my great aunt, dance teacher, full of fun, also liked a tipple and lived to the age of 87.
Connie, also my great aunt, who had many jobs, drove almost everything from newspaper vans to milk vans. Liked the occasional smoke, had no interest in alcohol even when her Doctor suggested whisky in her tea (which she did for a while but did not like the taste) for her low blood pressure.

Connie got engaged once and had started her "bottom drawer" as you apparently did in those days. I have no idea of his name, but she gave everything back as she did not want "any of that mucky stuff".

I remember her playing bingo for hours, uncaring about the wins as she always gave the tokens to me and Mike so that we could get something instead. Drinking tea all day. Living on toast, crumpets and cakes and always thin. The only one of the girls with no interest in make up. In fact, I can't picture her in a skirt or a dress beyond the occasional wedding photo. The super heated house of an old lady and the TV on so loud it felt like the windows were shaking.

Connie died last night aged 86. Today is a sad day.

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