Sunday, November 04, 2007

What are little boys made of?

If you take a straw poll of parents of similar aged children with the question of "If you ask your child what they would like for dinner?" there would be very few major items on the list. Chicken nuggets and chips? Burger? McDonalds? Maybe waffles? Crisps?

Having asked the question of himself on Friday night, young Jake decided - without prompting from me - on his menu.

Buttered leeks
Honeyed red onions
Boiled potatoes

We started with his choice of stater which was breaded goats cheese. After that he was feeling full up and I just didn't see it coming...main course arrived and he practically ignored it, claimed tiredness and went straight to bed without touching the food.

One hour later there was a scurry of activity and then I had frantic activity to clear up after him. Poor lad has been rather ill all weekend.

Shame really as he left the trout and I only got it for him - I'm not really a fish eater. At all.

After very little food all day Sunday, I gave him the option of anything he wanted but this time I listed a few suggestions. So eventually he got chicken nuggets and chips.

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