Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Getting wasted

No, not following on from yesterday's entry about Mark and Laura's impending nuptials, but the sheer amount of waste generated and landfill filled by MSDN subscriptions. I know I'm not the first to harp on about it but look!

Left hand pile: The 21 disks I am keeping - I'll use about half of them.
Middle pile: The 4 disks from the September update, 3 of which are replacements for disks within the 21 above.
Right hand pile: The other 100 disks supplied that cover every other European language from the main pack and the September update.

Can't I just get the English ones? I know that Europe is tiny according to anyone living in the US and that you can visit everywhere in England in one day including all of London, Edinberg, Stonehenge and Straight-ford (don't ask) but attempting to raise the UK on a bed of unwanted DVDs is not good.


Gareth Perry said...

talk about ungrateful, when you get a load of extra coffee matts to share amongst your friends you should be thankful for small mercies. Or if you really want to recycle all those disks, what about hanging them in your garden to keep away all those pesky birds!

Mark Arnold said...

Gareth speaks with much sense, especially since your MSDN is as free as mine :-)